Join illuminati,(the secrete behind life) +27783725020

Posted Mar 14, 2017 | Hits: 265 | Stock No: #0117
Country:   Kenya
Region:   Nairobi
City:   nairobi
Zip:   2001

JOIN ILLUM¬INATI (+277¬83725¬020) Life behin¬d super natur¬al.
Over the years¬, the Order has becom¬e a popul¬ar topic for movie¬s, novel¬s, websi¬tes, and even video games¬. From the Great Depre¬ssion¬, which was ultim¬ately neces¬sary, to world wars. In many peopl¬e's minds¬, the Order idea ties in with the New World Order¬, a curre¬nt polit¬ical idea about a one-w¬orld gover¬nment¬, relig¬ion, and finan¬cial syste¬m. The New World Order is the outwa¬rd goal and we are the secre¬t power worki¬ng behin¬d the scene¬s to achie¬ve it.

M¬any pseud¬o-ent¬ertai¬ners are aware of Illum¬inati legen¬ds and work those symbo¬ls and myths into their acts to fuel furth¬er specu¬latio¬n. Suppo¬rters of this idea say organ¬izati¬ons like the Unite¬d Natio¬ns, Europ¬ean Union¬, the World Healt¬h Organ¬izati¬on, the World Bank, Inter¬natio¬nal Monet¬ary Fund, G-20 Econo¬mic Group¬, the World Court¬, NATO, Counc¬il on Forei¬gn Relat¬ions, World Counc¬il of Churc¬hes and vario¬us multi¬natio¬nal corpo¬ratio¬ns are pawns of the New World Order¬, nudgi¬ng the world close¬r and close¬r to this socia¬list, one-e¬conom¬y, one-r¬eligi¬on futur¬e.

The Four (4) Membe¬r Level¬s of Illum¬inati La Counc¬il Consi¬sts of:

2¬-Glob¬al Leade¬rs
3¬-Memb¬ers of Royal Famil¬ies
4-Mos¬t of succe¬ssful music¬ian
5-Cur¬rent Highe¬st Ranki¬ng Membe¬rs of The Most Power¬ful Clubs¬, Organ¬izati¬ons and Assoc¬iatio¬ns in the World¬.

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